Saving Life On Earth: The Fossil Fuel Industry is Building Plastic Factories

More than 8 million tons of plastic enter our oceans every year, drowning wildlife, polluting our beaches and wrecking ecosystems, with no end in sight.

From the deepest sea trenches to the most remote islands, plastic is starving seabirds and whales, suffocating sea turtles, and contaminating food chains. On top of that, the facilities producing all the plastic from fracked gas — often located in low-income areas along the Gulf Coast and in Appalachia — are poisoning people's air and water.

This week's conversation will discuss our work to protect wildlife, communities and the climate by fighting plastic pollution at the source. We'll talk about the plastic industry's plans to drastically increase plastic production over the next five years, what we're doing to stop it, and why we can't recycle our way out of the plastic problem. The presentation will feature the Center's Julie Teel Simmonds, senior attorney; and Delia Ridge Creamer, oceans campaigner.

Saving Life On Earth: The Fossil Fuel Industry is Building Plastic Factories


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